This opens another box titled “Label Options”. Click on the “Options” button to create a new label template. This will open a box titled “Envelopes and Labels”. Open a blank document in Word, click on the “Mailings” tab at the top of the page, and click on “Labels”. CREATE LABELS – STEP 1: Start The Create Labels tool View our step by step How To video to learn how to make label templates using Word's Create Labels tool. Watch a video: this advice is also available in video format. (Visiting from America? Check out our guide to creating label templates for American label sizes.)

Please note: this method is NOT suitable if your A4 labels have gaps between the rows and/or columns that measure less than 4.2mm. Template Tuesday Presents.how to create your own label templates in Word, using Word’s Create Labels tool. Or copy the link! How To? - How To Make Label Templates Using Word's Create Labels Tool